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Magnetic Has A Rep for Search Retargeting

July 21, 2011

Magnetic has got a rep for its search retargeting capabilities, but the company can also serve your site retargeting needs through its new Magnetic Force solution.

Magnetic Adds Site Retargeting To Search For Display Ads

July 19, 2011

Magnetic launches new site retargeting offering called Magnetic Force. The offering allows advertisers to retarget site visitors with text or image-based display ads. Now marketers can power both site and search retargeting campaigns through Magnetic. Full Story

Self-Service Search Retargeting

July 15, 2011

Search retarageting firm Magnetic announced that its self-service platform called Magnetic Focus has taken off the Alpha hoodie and traded it for a Beta version. The release explains, “ads targeted using Magnetic Focus appear on inventory across Google and Yahoo! ad exchanges targeted at the same audience that has already searched for those keywords.” Full Story

All Marketers Are Geniuses: How to Leverage (and Streamline) Data for Marketing Success

July 13, 2011

The first installment of “All Marketers Are Geniuses” features Harrison Magun, SVP of Paid Media & Analytics at Covario, and focuses on the relationship between search and dislpay.        

All Marketers are Geniuses: An Introduction

June 30, 2011

In a world where the consumer is inundated with messages, marketers have maintained and even advanced the ability to influence purchase intent and brand image.

Online ad spending up, venture capitalists look for next big thing

June 17, 2011

With Q1 numbers in and showing strong growth in online advertising, and as consumers continue to log on and stay online longer, venture capitalists are taking more interest in the online space. Full Story

Five New (and powerful) Targeting Methods

June 12, 2011

This year, search retargeting appears to have “gone mainstream.” Search retargeters — companies like Magnetic and Chango — collect data related to what individuals search for. By targeting banners with this data, these providers extend near-SEM-level results into display.

What SEM is Not

June 9, 2011

If you’re not depending on social media alone,  you probably rely on search engine marketing (SEM) to bring customers and referrals to your Website. Actually, you’re probably using some combination of the two.

Is Search Engine Marketing Advertising?

June 3, 2011

Former Yahoo engineer and current Magnetic CEO, Josh Shatkin-Margolis, is stirring the digital marketing pot at Ad Age and giving insight on search retargeting.  Full Story

Stop Pretending That Search Engine Marketing Is Advertising

May 25, 2011

Since my op-ed piece on search engine marketing and search retargeting ran in DigitalNext a few weeks ago, Ad Age and other digital marketing publications have run well thought out responses.  Full Story

Start-Up Watch COD: Magnetic delivers search retargeting to millions and millions

May 17, 2011

The model, for those who may be unfamiliar, is that a search retargeting firm serves banner ads to people based upon their recent search history. Now why, you might ask, would you bother targeting with banners instead of just buying the search results? Well, it’s actually not an “instead,” it’s an “in addition to.”  

Magnetic and C3 Metrics target “full funnel” attribution

May 16, 2011

Although every campaign has a unique attribution model, the two highest-performing forms of online advertisements are often search engine marketing and retargeting.  Full Story

Search Retargeting – Where Search and Media Meet

May 4, 2011

Search retargeting is about increasing the relevancy and, therefore, the performance of banner ads served to searchers. Full Story

Google To Unveil Re-Marketing Tools, Improve Personalization

May 2, 2011

Google plans to introduce a suite of new features in the coming months that will give advertisers smarter tools aimed at retargeting dynamic ads to potential and existing customers. Full Story

Think Piece: Search Ads Suck

April 29, 2011

Amazon reported its Q1 2011 earnings yesterday and missed Wall Street analyst earnings projections as “Net income decreased 33% to $201 million in the first quarter, or $0.44 per diluted share, compared with net income of $299 million, or $0.66 per diluted share, in first quarter 2010,” according to the press release (PDF). Full Story

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