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Magnetic Blog


On Wednesday, August 10, Mark Weiss, Sr. Director of Engineering at Magnetic participated in a webinar hosted by 10gen. In the webinar, Mark examined how Magnetic uses MongoDB for their online advertising platform. Mark discussed how the company has ...


Download the complete comScore + Magnetic presentation >> On Thursday, August 11th, Josh Shatkin-Margolis, CEO at Magnetic joined comScore’s Eli Goodman in a live webinar focused on search retargeting. Search Evangelist Eli Goodman kicked off the webinar with a look ...


Magnetic + comScore Present, “The Future of Search is Search Retargeting”

      In June 2011, US internet users ran over 27 billion searches; however, only 4% of a user's time is actually spent in the search engine, while 96% of their time is spent on content, commerce and communication sites. The question becomes, "how do you take ...

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OMMA Breakdown: Search & the New Retargeting

At OMMA Behavioral, Josh Shatkin-Margolis, CEO at Magnetic, kicked off the “Search and the New Retargeting” panel by defining search retargeting as the concept for targeting display ads based on user search history. The panel, which included senior agency executives, search experts and search retargeting companies, ruffled some feathers as various viewpoints flew across the stage. One ...

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