Happy Birthday, Google! The search engine celebrated its 13th birthday last week, marking a year of growth spurts and growing pains. Search Engine Watch rounds up the top 12 Google stories from the past year, including the launch of Google +, antitrust scrutiny, and Android innovations. As Google enters its teenage years, there's one story is of top interest; ...
At OMMA Global NYC, Magnetic joined the panel, Is the Future of Search about Personalization?. The discussion was centered around how search is evolving -- this includes areas of search retargeting, social search, new algorithms and behavioral data. While the panel of experts generally agreed that search represents the highest form of intent, there was disagreement about where ...
Magnetic, the leader in search retargeting, sponsored iMedia's September Brand Summit, "Digital Marketing at Scale: Going Big in 2012." The Summit shared with marketer's the key to achieving brand performance through digital advertising. The cocktail hour was hosted by Magnetic and featured a special punch, titled, "Magnetic, Drink the Kool-aid." Check out some of the pics below:
Collective’s latest newsletter, AMP Audience Insights features Magnetic in their Sepemtber edition, showing the importance of following up with intent consumers through site and search retargeting. To successfully carry a user though the purchase funnel, it is key to follow up with ...